
Sustainability Strategy

Cut a pathway through the buzzwords to being a sustainable and profitable business of the future.

The leading agrifood companies across our region all recognise that sustainability is not a passing trend, nor is being a sustainable business going to be a differentiator in the future, it is simply the new normal and a right to play. We support to make sense of the jargon and set a clear path to becoming a more profitable and sustainable business of the future that shareholders are proud of. 


How we roll

Our Principles


Some of the clients we work with


Linley Houwen

Linley leads Beanstalk's sustainability strategy practice

Linley has a passion for sustainability and a curiosity for the role technology can play in solving some of the biggest problems facing our food systems.

Linley has a background working for the Commonwealth Banking Group and has deep strategy expertise. This includes investment and benefit profiling, quantitative and qualitative market research, customer segmentation and competitor game theory. 

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